NFTs are a volatile business of their own, they go up like suns and down like pancakes.
But the Dodgy Clowns just don't care.

They're retired now and live in their spooky old OAP home, all 9.999 of them,
but they're still restless. Some of them are more fun than others, some pure evil.

But they´re all uniquely dodgy. Heaps of them are more alike, and a few are super rare.
They may love you or they may kill you - that´s for them to know and you to find out.

Dodgy Clowns are sick and tired of boring repetetive collectables, and have a plan of their own. You can meet them all on, that´s like a second home to them.
When you buy one, you also again access to the Halloween Lounge, where you can hang out with other Clown owners. And there´s more to come, stay tuned if you dare...

Weather the Dodgy Clowns behave  or not  only time will tell -
now it´s time for a real Etherum block chainsaw massacre...